Easter (Egg) Cakes


1 small cup of yogurt, 1 small cup of flour, 1 small cup of sugar, 1 half small cup of oil, 2 eggs, 1 pkg of vanilla sugar, 1/2 pkg of baking powder, eggshells, some oil


Add the yoghurt, flour, sugar, oil, eggs, baking powder and vanilla into a bowl.
Mix everything to a creamy dough.
Best with a handmixer … A snowbuff tuts however also;)

For the “cake shape” you need a few empty eggshells …
Best you knock the eggs with a knife on top and remove the bowls.
Put the eggs in a glass … You can store them in the refrigerator.

Wash the eggshells with water and then grease them with a shot of oil.

Put the eggshells into a muffin mold and fill them halfway with the cake dough.
