Sweet Potato Brownies

Are you trying to stick to a diet but need to appease your sweet tooth?  Look no further than this non-processed-food dessert using only natural ingredients!  You could even make your own nut butter by blending almonds, cashews, peanuts in a high powered blender.  Sweetened just lightly, you’ll be surprised at how delicious this turns out without breaking your glycemic levels.  No need to join the race for diabetes today!


1 cup nut butter
2 tbsp maple syrup
1 cup mashed sweet potato
1/4 cup cocoa powder


Preheat oven to 350° and grease a small cake/loaf pan. In a small bowl, combine nut butter and maple syrup. In a large bowl, combine mashed sweet potato, cocoa powder, and the nut butter/syrup mixture. Then add a handful of crushed chocolate. Place your mixture in your cake pan and bake for 30 mins. Once cooked, let cool and top with whipped cream and walnuts. Yummmmy!